1. Administrator
    September 22, 2020

    Trainer from Turin, Italy: I liked the group pitch activity because it helped understand that there is not just one correct way to be brilliant in presenting, but that participants have their own styles. This module had the highest ratings from the young people, especially with regards to the pitching activities. In the end, the group was very interested in entrepreneurship, but had few personal ideas. Perhaps this can be improved and worked on next time. It was also very inspiring not just to go through the exercises, but also talk to existing companies and entrepreneurs.

  2. Administrator
    September 22, 2020

    Trainer from Sweden: Compared to other modules, the exercises here were more difficult. It took the participants a longer time to understand them. I would recommend other trainers to think about which exercises to do, since we found that they take longer than expected.

  3. Administrator
    September 22, 2020

    Trainer from Albenga, Italy: We were not able to use all the exercises in this module and only chose the ones that were most important to us. This was because we did not have enough time. Young people sometimes struggled with the technical parts, but also enjoyed the content and the sharing of personal experiences. They can now do business that is inclusive, knowing that everyone is different, important, and essential.

  4. Administrator
    September 22, 2020

    Trainer from Portugal: It was interesting to see that young people were more interested in the aspect of sustainability that profit. They especially enjoyed the pitching and teamwork activities. The motivation was kept high through the diversity of methods, but it was also hard to keep them engaged with the blended learning and online exchange. The pitch session had a huge impact because they learned that we do not communicate in the same way. It is not easy to pass a message even when speaking the same “language” and having an engaged audience. They recognized that when speaking to different people, they needed to adapt meaning that their propose/project could be amazing but how we communicated can make the difference between being taking serious or people not engaging. The diversity in the group made them more aware of their differences, but also that they need to be available to listen and connect with others.