UBELE, London (UK)


Ubele in Swahili means ‘The Future’. We founded The Ubele Initiative in 2014 with a mission to contribute to the sustainability of the African Diaspora community in the UK and build a better future. We are a new inter-generational community building initiative which aims to increase our community’s capacity to lead, and create innovative and entrepreneurial social responses to some of our most stuck social issues.  Our core values are collaboration, co-operation, community building, creativity and valuing all voices. We support and partnership with organisations across the UK and internationally to create innovative solutions for some of the most pressing social, economic and political concerns.


After more than 60 years of significant presence here in the UK, deep social issues continue to affect our community. These range from the needs of our children, young people and families through to the emerging needs of a growing elderly population.mHowever, as a community we do not appear to have created a coherent strategy for tackling these or other systemic social issues. The Ubele Initiative believes that there is the need to be more conscious and proactive in designing, creating and putting in place essential building blocks to secure future generations here in the UK. Given the Government’s seemingly lack of focus on our current and specific needs, coupled with a policy shift towards individual and local community reliance, there appears to be an increasing urgency for the African Diaspora community to collectively engage in dialogue and to design and implement their own innovative responses.

Our strategic objectives are:

  1. Building community resilience and sustainability
  2. Knowledge Generation and Learning
  3. Strategic Partnerships which influence policy and practice
  4. Global Diaspora Connections